Hope Center USA / Hope Employment

Do you have open jobs? We can help!
Hope Center USA in Lake Zurich has expanded its services to now include Hope Employment. This service is a part of our non-profit organization, and our team of volunteers is dedicated to helping people navigate through their job searching and career development journey. Our free services encompass all aspects of employment assistance. For more information on The Hope Center USA, please visit https://thehopecenter.com/ 
Hope Employment is currently seeking business owners who are interested in this free service, are hiring in the Lake County area, and who want to connect with job seekers. Hope Employment has been assisting job seekers who are seeking employment within manufacturing, medical office, caregiving, house cleaning, restaurant/hospitality, and more. Please contact us to learn more about connecting with our job seekers to hire OR if you are a job seeker looking for employment assistance: hopeemployment@thehopecenter.com