Rotary Club of Lake Zurich & SECA Interact Club Present: ECO EXPO EVENT!
Date and Time
Saturday Aug 3, 2024
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Saturday, August 3rd from 10-1pm. Stop by whenever you can!
Paulus Park, 200 South Rand Road, Lake Zurich IL 60047
FREE Admission
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Rotary Club of Lake Zurich & SECA Int...
Saving Our Planet: Eco Expo Event
Come and enjoy numerous games and attractions, while helping to cultivate a passion for environmentalism in the next generation! Come to the Eco Expo to enjoy numerous games, such as tug-of-war and relay races, and visit local business booths* to learn about how they are creating a sustainable environment in our community and beyond. This is a kid and family-friendly event and is FREE to everyone that attends.
Business Booths include:
Peacock and Lotus
Ancient Oaks
Rotary District 6440 Environmental Committee & Rotary Club of Lake Zurich
Rotary Club of Antioch
Palatine Cool Cities
Sunshine Sciences
Environmental Defenders
Barrington Area Conservations
Smart Farms
And more....